Two lonely-eyed boys in a pick-up truck And they're drivin' through the rain and the heat And their skin's so sweaty they both get stuck To the old black vinyl seats And it's Abbott and Costello meet Paul and Silas It's the two of us together and we're puttin' on the mileage And we both feel lost But I remember what Susan said How love is found in the things we've given up More than in the things that we have kept And ain't it funny what people say And ain't it funny what people write And ain't it funny how it hits you so hard In the middle of the night And if your home is just another place where you're a stranger And far away is just somewhere you've never been I hope that you'll remember, I was your friend Two full grown men in a huddle of kids And they're trying to help them to believe What is too good to be real But is more real than the air they breathe And it's Wally and the Beaver, David and Jonathan It's the Love of Jesus puttin' on flesh and bone And we both feel lost But I remember what Susan said How love is found in the things we've given up More than in the things that we have kept And ain't it funny what people say And ain't it funny what people write And ain't it funny how it hits you so hard In the middle of the night And I remember what Susan said And ain't it funny what people say And ain't it funny what people write And ain't it funny how it hits you so hard In the middle of the night And if your home is just another place where you're a stranger And far away is just somewhere you've never been I hope that you'll remember, I was your friend I hope you'll have the strength to just remember I'm still your friend