While in the streets of all our fears They reign supreme as orders go They are the last to have their say And last to know it doesn't matter how you try It doesn't matter what you say They always watch with hollow eyes To put you down they always find a way to criticize The vultures fly high They circle over us all The vultures fly high I'll take your hand if you fall All those who sheltered in their smile Are scattered here from yesterday And if the weak are left behind They have to pay, and though you haven't much to give You know they take it - yours and mine Sometimes it looks as though we lose But then in time the finger points at them The next in line The vultures fly high They circle over us all The lonely sigh I'll take your hand if you fall The vultures fly high They circle over us all The lonely sigh I'll take your hand if you fall The vultures fly high They circle over us all The lonely sigh I'll take your hand if you fall