Could i be 7 foot 10 Built like a bull then Full of shit And proud of it I like to get funny with my 8 foot buddies We spend money till our dicks get runny Naughty looking mighty sporty Mixing with a pissed fist there to escort me Put away the beer dear o fucking dear Et the night like a roman now we vomit fear Like to give the men on the town some action jackson For our satisfaction You're gonna play hey cos we get disappointed Don't be late this is a regular appointment Just some suggestion answer the question The question is... (2x) Hey babe wanna get laid? You don't have to answer i'll take you for granted Don't you wanna fuck? We're both fucking drunk He's a fine looking bitch check out his tits The ass the dick Can i break you off some of my beef shtick Yum yum-yum-yum Cos i'm looking for a big cock that i can bite off Acting like you're tough shit so you like it rough it ha Better hope penis don't come between us Kinda fucking smelly cos i never clean it Tease me tease me tease me Till i lose control My eyes are on your hole This is a dark place where we dilly dally No turns to yes in the shadows of this alley