Well the music business has been good to me I've had gold records and been on TV But mostly I've just tried to make folks laugh so far. Yeah. But I decided it'd be nice to walk in a room And instead I'd get to hear the women all swoon So I decided I'd become a country hunk record star Well, I went right out and bought a Cadillac Wire wheels all around, one on the back I bought a flat top guitar, learned a few chords from Chet (Chet) And then I went right out and bought some skin-tight jeans I thought I'd thought of everything But my manager said, "Hold it son, you ain't ready yet!" He said You gotta have a hat A great big hat Yeah if you're gonna be a country hunk a hat's where it's at He said, "I ain't kiddin'! This ain't just hokum! Look at Strait, Black, Brooks, Van Sheltner, Yokum!" If you wanna be a country hunk You gotta have a hat Well, my manager's right smack on the beam I put on this hat and women started to scream They was tearin' at my clothes and throwin' me their motel keys! He he he! I couldn't wear this hat out anywhere 'Cause everywhere I'd go screamin' women were there Had to hire myself 'round the clock security police! Keep away boys! Don't hurt 'em though, they can't help theyselves! But in the interest of those women's sanity I put aside my pride and vanity And decided I'd hang my had up on the shelf But let me tell all you young hunk singers of the world If you decide to give country music a whirl Here's the show business truth I can testify to myself You gotta have a hat A great big hat Oh, it can be black or white so don't worry about that! Just stand there underneath it with a great big grin And watch the women all swoon and the money roll in If you wanna be a country hunk Oh you gotta have a hat Could I just touch it?