You know, if a chicken could talk He might say something like this Why's everybody pickin' on the chicken? What did a chicken ever do to you? Why's everybody pickin' on the chicken? What a crock of cockadoodle doo... baaaawwk Now I'm not the kinda' of bird to squawk But seems these days that folks can't tawwwwlk Without somehow slandering the chickens name... buk buk buk buk buk But bigotry and discrimination Dominate the syntax of this whole nation It's enough to drive a dumb dominecker insane They say "flew the coop" when a thief's departed And if he's lacking courage he's "chicken-hearted" And if he messes up "he's got egg on his face" He'll work for "chicken feed" or "hatch a scheme" Something's "stuck in his craw" see what I mean Demeaning references to chickens are common place "Bird brain", "dumb cluck", "no spring chicken", "strut your stuff" "Nest egg", "bad egg", "shake your tail feather", "cocky" and such "Laid an egg", "in a stew", I don't know whet a chicken can do... You know being a chicken in this environment is "nothing to crow about" No... A chicken's life is not all it's "cracked up to be" And stop questioning my motives about crossing the road... I don't know why I did it... Hey, I'm a Chicken... yeah! Maybe I did it to show the possum it could be done... or sing a duet with Willie Nelson... What difference does it make? I crossed the road, ok? Get over it! Baaaawwk And it's time to stop pickin' on the chicken I mean, what a chicken ever did to you It's time to stop pickin' on the chicken What a crock of cockadoodle doo "Don't count your chickens before they hatch" and "don't put all your eggs in one basket" And "don't put up a squawk" or "all your chickens might come home to roost" People get "up with the chickens" or "go to bed with the chickens" or are concerned about the "pecking order" He's the "cock of the walk"... "He rules the roost"... "Broods" over problems like "empty nest syndrome" You know what makes me "madder than a wet hen"... What does every strange thing from frog legs to rattlesnake taste like?... That's right... Chicken! Finding some sort of reference that doesn't include a chicken is is is... "As rare has hen's teeth"... Baawwk... now you've got me doing it... I'll be so upset before long I'll be "running around like a chicken with its head cut off"... Ok... bawwwwwwwk I can't believe I said that baawwk... somebody stop me... bawwwk "What came first the chicken or the egg"? Oh - "I feel like I'm walking on eggs" I feel "hen-pecked" Why did the punk rocker cross the road? He was stapled to the chicken You know, "it ain't over 'til the fat chicken sings" and that's me Is this any good or did I just "lay an egg"? Bawk