Prelude: Are you ready, oo oo oo ooo (4x) When the roll is called out, I'll be standing tall up To face the darkest and the hardest of times. We'll be taking care of, all the children thereof, But if it's required we'll be on the frontline. Chorus You can call me by my name I am ready to roll; Once the rules remain the same How the story's been told; Call me anytime, never cop out, Lioness is on the rise Don't you ever have doubt. Never say never, willingness forever to fight, and be strong Once it's for better i'll every letter and moving right along And i'll roll with the punches, accept the changes; Work with the formula, do what I have to do. Chorus And call be by my name I am ready to roll; Once the rules remain the same How the story's been told; Call me anytime, never cop out, Lioness is on the rise Don't you ever have doubt. When you are willing to serve, we have room to observe To see if you can walk the walk you talk. Let me give you my word, my voice must be heard. Bravery is the beast of my heart. Chorus Call be by my name I am ready to roll; Once the rules remain the same How the story's been told; Call me anytime, never cop out, Lioness is on the rise Don't you ever have doubt. Repeat vs 1 When the roll is called out, I'll be standing tall up To face the darkest and the hardest of times. We'll be taking care of, all the children thereof, But if it's required we'll be on the frontline. Chorus You can call me by my name I am ready to roll; Once the rules remain the same How the story's been told; Call me anytime, never cop out, Lioness is on the rise Don't you ever have doubt. Call be by my name I am ready to roll; Once the rules remain the same How the story's been told; Call me anytime, never cop out, Lioness is on the rise Don't you ever have doubt.