All I've seen is all I dream
See animals and tambourines - and all I can hear is light
Feel the winds and wake the hour
A morning kiss to have not far - and all I can see is 

Tree-lined in city colours, yeah he meant well
she glances wide

He left the room where I was
Hide the light, hide the light
Too much to dream last night
He left the room where I was
Hide the light, hide the light
Too much for waking eyes

Free to play, remember days and set the air, control the 
waves - and all I can hear is light
Talk of rain through sleepy-times my chosen whims show 
I'm a child - and all I can see is night

Tree-lined in city colours, yeah he meant well
she glances wide

He left the room where I was
Hide the light, hide the light
Too much to dream last night
He left the room where I was
Hide the light, hide the light
Too much for waking eyes