Some say the bad men built a big machine That they hide from the world Hide from the world Code name "Operation Nightshade" Have you heard of all of the bad men? Have you heard of all the bad, bad men? Some say the bad men started every war And they lied to the word Denied to the world Some say the bad men seed the clouds today When they rain on the world Bring pain on the world Code name "Operation Nightshade" Blame it on the bad men Blame it on the bade, bad men Say goodbye to the world Try not to cry for the world Don't you talk about 'bout the bad, bad men Don't you talk about about the bad, bad men Some say that the bad men Dropped the bomb today Down inside of the world They dived the world Code name "Operation Nightshade" Have you heard of all of the bad men? Have you heard of all the bad, bad men? Have you heard of all of the bad men? Have you heard of all the bad, bad men?