Watch out! Beware! The beast is on the loose
Look out! Take care! There will be no truce
Run fast and far, or you will be crushed 
It is frantic once it starts its rush

Two Ton Behemoth

Terror! Horror! Coming from below 
Nightmare! Panic! Creeping really slow 
Brutal! Hungry! It is on your track 
Monsters waiting right behind your back 

Undaunted - Fearless 
Terrifying - Monstrous

Waiting under the surface, when you come down to the water 
You are just like a lamb, going to the slaughter 

(Repeat foregoing verse) 

(Repeat first verse) 

Two Ton Behemoth 

(Repeat first verse) 

Undaunted – Fearless 
Terrifying – Monstrous 
Undaunted – Fearless 
The merciless Hippopotamus