You are not forgotten, struggles of the past
Captured and tortured, your voices have been silenced
But your language lives on in our hearts
Yet another pointless war has ended 
Terror reigns tomorrow, terror reigns today 
There is so much sadness, there is so much grief 
Entire populations driven from their lands 
Noone intervenes, and noone seems to care

New people inhabit your homes
But your souls live on forevermore
For history is eternal death
For all people now and then 
Legacy and customs – Legends and traditions 
Cease to exist, because there are new laws 
Beause there are new leaders, who rule the land 
Uncertain future – Life in misery 

Meaningless Eradication
Obliterated homes
Meaningless Eradication
That's the way the story goes


From west to east, from north to south
The world has always been plagued by war
A ruler comes, and another one goes
Such is the course of history

New and old wars will live on in our memories
But the memories of your lives forever remain
Tragic is the history of mankind
And a winner, we will never see

(Repeat chorus)

That's the way your story goes!