look out here they come here they come with their guns to draft the youngs from the slums and they get sent out to fight a war of nothingness killing and dying for the leaders' vanity it's nothing more and nothing less than propaganda and the power of the dollar that has got the poor as hostages and the youths don't have no future they feeling desillusioned they see no other solution so i gots to say that look how we create generation kill all hate generate more ills til the whole generation's killed and all the blood of the children spill listen how they talk about their good will and the wars ever raging still and even if the youths realize it's not real they become generation kill kill murder murder's all they heard of that's all they've seen how you think they're gonna turn out no choir boys though they're making quite some noise 'member how cute they was when they used to play war and fight with toys and billy the kid better believe that the kids get inspired by our culture of violence then when they look around for guidance get met with nothing but silence and a gun with a silencer And thats how we create generation kill all hate generate more ills til the whole generation's killed and all the blood of the children spill listen how they talk about their good will and the wars ever raging still and even if the youths realize it's not real they become generation kill but can we blame the children when they kill the children and can we blame the young men when they become the gun men when we create the monster but let's expose the sponsor cus i wanna know who's responsible look how we create generation kill all hate generate more ills til the whole generation's killed and all the blood of the children spill listen how they talk about their good will and the wars ever raging still and even if the youths realize it's not real they become generation kill