If only we remembered as much as we forget... The pasts a foreign country we cant go back to yet. we want down in the valley and till the soil by hand feeling he weight of water built up behind the dam. Left and right, up and down, head over heels that's the only way that we know down and up, right and left, over and over tumbling on with the flow through time our ghost are swimming like schools of angel fish we have no way of feeling the flow of water under the bridge were working in the fields were making tracks all of our histories stacked behind our backs high up above us now the dam wall cracks here comes everything we've been in the flood of memory if only we remembered as much as we forget in only we could see that what we give is what we get here comes the flooding water to wash us to the sea of memory. on and on the water flows on and on it goes one by one well all find our own way home we want down in the valley and till the soil by hand we feel the weight of water that's building up behind the dam and up and down, left and right, head or heels we go down and up right and left, slippery eels if only we remembered as much as we forget in only we could see what we give is what we get here comes the flooding water to wash us to the sea (of) memory.