Lip read, a mountain stream, fibres in the car Shut down, a cheerless a town, a head rolls in the park Once seen my libertine undresses in the dark She puts her love inside to break us both apart With you I felt brand new, you opened up the sky What need to punish me with surgery and lies? Sleep well my so called friend, a virus in your heart She bends my so called friend and rips my life apart In sound escape is found from carving out the day My gift a weight that lifts, my eyes give me away You tell me all the things you know I want to hear You stain the sub terrain With sarin gas and fear What kind of friend are you? What kind of friend are you? You're so cold What kind of friend are you? What kind of friend are you? So Called Friend I miss the holy bliss of sun across the bed How sad that all my plans seem foolish now instead