I have seen the blackened sky. A place where immortal people seems to die. I don't belive in Jesus Christ, but Lord I'm seeking Paradice. I hesitate. Your're chasing shadows from the past. Why are you looking back? Deceptive ways are hard to lead. Loosing track? Why does my road feel so long? Will we travel on? Chains around my feet. I won't get to where I want. I was sent here by the dark. The quest, to lead a child on the bridge of life. But my demons built the bridge. So Evil now will take its vengeance Breaking it! You're chasing shadows from the past... Why does my road feel so long? ... I have seen the blackened sky. A place where immortal people seems to die. I don't believe in Jesus Christ, but Lord I'm seeking Paradise. I hesitate You're chasing shadows from the past... Why does my road feel so long?