Oh my heaven's to fucking Betsy now What, what is going on here? What what what what, what? William! William! Dude, I'm so there, dude dude dude dude So, so there so there so there so there so there so there Dude dude dude Shut the fuck up! [start of song] I'd like to kill somebody Say that again I'd like to kill somebody Let's me and you go for a ride Die, die die die (8x) Die, die I'd like to kill somebody Say that again I'd like to kill somebody Let's me and you go for a ride It's always the same } (4x) And it's always different } I'd like to kill somebody Say that again I'd like to kill somebody Let's me and you go for a ride [end of song] Now then you've got one more chance No no you're getting nothing else You can all fuck off, unless you sing along Shh shh shh shh shh Dream on baby Guys guys guys guys dudes dudes dudes It's a call, how 'bout we do a Skinny Puppy songs No no no This is a very early skinny puppy song It's called, Jingle Bells [start of song] Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh HEY! Jingle bells jingle bells jingle all the way Oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh [end of song] And now a special new member of Pigface Mr. Bill Clinton My fellow Americans We've reached a point in history where It's time for punk rockers like us to stand up To stand up, take a stand against Hipocracy, the fowl deads done in the music industry Upon you, you, the public, you, the kids A vote for me is a vote for, Abba