The king he sat in a chair of gold and let life let him be his daughter sat by his side most nights to keep him company the wise man and the alcamist looked over the charts and graphs inconclusive, they're inconclusive, hopefully this will pass the jester said, i tried to make him laugh The party was thrown for the king that night and they tried to raise the dead the golden chair still occupied by the king's resting head the daughter danced with the alcamist and of course the wise man spoke the jester said, hey king it's time for a little joke no response, i think the king is broke some weeks have passed and his subjects have all but given up people were tired of forcing the king to try and live it up the morning sun and the alcamist watched the king make his first move the king stood up, stretched a bit said, i've got nothing to prove listen up, i've got nothing to prove and i, i just need some time off i need some time off from all of this yeah and i, i just need some time off i need some time off from all of this yeah