What you are now experiencing is 
the Vibration of Life ladies and gentlemen
Your head may be feeling heavy
Seven beats per second

Your nose light
This will re-energize you
Your eyes heavyYour nose light
Your eyes heavy 


Your eyes may be feeling heavy
Your nose lightYour eyes heavy 

Rich in minerals 
Rich in firth Carry well ye martin lad 
Fervent fourth 
Now Fervent fifth 
Forever arealm we cry 
Be it ever so Voraciously alternate 
We call upon your pulse 

Can we stand? 
Can we stare? 
We can stage a runaway golfcart marathon! 

Stand up 
Stand up 
Stand up on your heels and call 
From the hills 
From the hills

This may have made your eyes feel heavyY
our nose light
Your eyes heavy