Phinehas akordy a texty písní
- Non
- Tetelestai
- Moriar
- Omnis
- Bad Blood
- Forever West
- My Horses are Many
- Twisted
- Enkindler
- Coup De Grace
- Fleshkiller
- Pendulum
- Blood On My Knuckles
- Manipulator's Wire
- Iliaster (More Than Skin)
- That I May Love You
- Truth Be Told
- The Wishing Well
- Out of the Dust
- Salting the Mine
- Throes
- A Pattern in Pain
- Seven
- Dead Choir
- Dyson Sphere
- White Livered
- Legacy
- From a Burning Sun
- Crowns
- T A Pattern in Pain
- T Bad Blood
- T Blood On My Knuckles
- T Coup De Grace
- T Crowns
- T David and the Gate
- De el Quatro
- T Dead Choir
- T Dyson Sphere
- T Enkindler
- Evening Grey and Morning Red
- T Fleshkiller
- T Forever West
- T From a Burning Sun
- T From One End of the Sky to the Other
- T Grace Disguised by Darkness
- T I Am the Lion
- T Iliaster (More Than Skin)
- Legacy
- T Manipulator's Wire
- T Moriar
- T My Horses are Many
- Non
- Omnis
- T Out of the Dust
- T Panhammer
- T Pendulum
- T Salting the Mine
- T Seven
- T Tetelestai
- That I May Love You
- T The Blessing and the Curse
- T The Deepest of Graves
- T The Jungle
- T The Wishing Well
- T Thegodmachine: The Rider
- T Thegodmachine: The Speaking Stone
- Throes
- T Till the End
- T Truth Be Told
- T Twisted
- T Well if the Earths are Stopped, then the Fox Faces the Hounds
- T White Livered
Till the End
- 1 Dead Choir
- 2 White Livered
- 3 Truth Be Told
- 4 Non
- 5 Forever West
- 6 Tetelestai
- 7 Coup De Grace
- 8 Omnis
- 9 Seven
- 10 Iliaster (More Than Skin)
- 11 Evening Grey and Morning Red
- 12 Moriar
- 13 Till the End
The Last Word Is Yours to Speak
The Bridge Between