girls don't hanker for bouquets and veils they soon turn to cabbage and nappies in pails the joys and the sorrows of conjugal life all these could be yours without being a wife yes a good life can come to fruition you don't need a license to give your permission you don't have to marry You never get completely free choice anyhow too many people you can't marry for start – like Paul Newman a man decides to live in sin no one's gonna go blaming him he's the boy got his need he won't be a man ‘til he's done the deed a good girl ought to live alone until she's wed and in her home not supposed to cut no capers til she's got her bit of paper – uh huh now there are places in this world where they tell the young men and young girls before you hit your marriage bed indulge yourselves go ahead eliminate the cruder forms of sexy impulse from your matrimonial selection but civilized folks despite our climb mates fancy we're above those primates scorning prenuptial intercourse we favor marriage - then divorce the single mother and her children are a legally incomplete unit unclaimed assets marry for safety marry for gain marry to give the little bugger a name marry by custom or marry by chance but don't kid yourself what we call romance ends at the altar marriage is a legal contract yeah that's what I said a legal con trick two equals getting married and then hey presto they're unequal a married man goes out each day he's the one who earns the pay his life may just be work and bed but in the family he's the head a wife remains at home all day never a word of earning pay kids and housework all her life every family needs a wife – uh huh now marriage don't have to be one to one the alternative system since time begun like polygamy polyandry or marriage in groups weren't invented by nincompoops but by economic necessity infant patrol – child brides – wife stealing - just different methods of transferring property cause a wife has a place in the eyes of the law she's as much a possession as a house or a car you're a dependent now, you once was a bride and he's your voice to the world outside meet the wife say something to the folks dear a husbands rights are his by law whether it's Rome or Arkansas the system ain't no parvenue which uses him to manage you a wife has rights her husband gives her food to eat and a place to live after that what he bestows is up to him and no one knows – uh huh now even if you get on great he'll collect your rent rebates even if you get on fine your legal papers are his to sign and even if he's your bosom friend you may have to beg for money to spend and even if your love is true he can open anything addressed to you after all it's got his name written right there on the envelope what's yours is his what's his is yours and you're his if you don't like marriage you can of course throw in the towel and go for divorce but that little ‘ol knot – so easy to tie just won't unravel or lay down and die think of the cost think of the shame think of the kids think of the blame think of the men who will call you fair game think of Princess Margaret marriage implies a most difficult and delicate adjustment of a passionate emotional relationship with domestic and economic cooperation so does divorce a man goes off and starts again he may be sad and hurt but then he's got his job got his skill the weekly check will pay the bill a woman's left with kids to mind a life to mend and a job to find got no training got no skills got no way to pay the bills – uh huh so love him live with him make your own vows it don't matter where or when or how cause just being a woman's a challenge for life why complicate things by becoming a wife I suppose you think I'm being cynical but social surgery's got to be clinical marriage is really to safeguard the kids cause without a mother they'd be on the skids who better to feed em wipe their little bums then good old dependable stay-at-home mom and marriage is really to safeguard the man send him off to work well-fed spick-and-span it's not only his labor he's going to sell but that of his wife and his kids as well two can earn cheaper than one so in the end it's really to safeguard the boss cause without a workforce he'd make a loss and how could he rob ‘em screw ‘em and twist ‘em unless he had marriage to uphold a system that supports the class that exploits the man who exploits the wife who bears the kids who live in the house that Jack built and Jill cleans