What makes Paris like Paris ought to be? All the natives agree - Pigalle! Wonderful street where the simple folk meet With the social elite - Pigalle Sidewalk cafes, waiters balancing trays Morning, night, and noon Taxicabs toot while a guy on a flute Fingers "Claire de lune" Mademoiselles wink their eyes at the swells Where the corner sign spells - Pigalle! Take it from me, when you visit Paris Yes, you better have seen Pigalle Mmm, never blasé, always chipper and gay With the night writers, hey Pigalle! Dare I declare once a bald-headed square Even let down its hair - Pigalle Walk to and fro and the first thing you know You're in love, love, love It goes to your head and, unless you are dead Life is mad with yeahs Never subdued is the carnival loose Not a saint, not a clue - Pigalle! Laugh hopelessly but my friends you'll agree That the moment you leave Pigalle