 Defiled virility 
 Plague bleaching carnal shores 
 Fertile vessels 
 Awash in seas of blood 
 Yellow flags fan the tide 
 Of fear 

 Paroxysms of delusion 
 Throes of consuming corruption 
 Pandemic syndrome penetrates 
 Great wounds ever widened 
 The coil - it cracks and sways 
 Arise infectious 

 As the body falls away 

 Immunities go the way of flesh 
 Left to this world 
 Mortified dissolution 
 Pain lengthens time 

 As the body falls away 
 Erupting emaciations 
 Speaking blood 
 Ensanguined capitulation 

 As flesh awaits emancipation 
 Seeding and death 
 Decaying sentence infectious end 
 Salvations retch 

 Pain lengthens time