Hear the call I beckon harlot come to me Lay your trust in Satan fall unto your knees Ride with me through fire the eternal pits of hell Grant to me your body I will take your soul Tormented soul eternity Satanic slave you will bear my son The evil force from the frosty skies I possess your mind Bound by chain the immortal slave Mystic chants round the holy grave Lust for blood a sacrifice deadly sin contract in blood Contract in blood!! Renounce me all religion smite the wrath of god Pledge to me a sacrifice sign the pact with blood Mount the steed of Satan you can ride the air Accomplish your desire scorn the cross they bear Tormented soul eternity Satanic slave you will bear my son The evil force from the frosty skies I possess your mind Bound by chain the immortal slave Mystic chants round the holy grave Lust for blood a sacrifice deadly sin contract in blood Contract in blood!! Ride down to the depths of hell come to be my slave Desecrate your virgin soul I take you upon a grave I feel the lust rip through your soul as I implant you with my seed I leave my mark upon your flesh and thrash you till you bleed Sacrifice to me your heart and soul You are ever damned to rot in hell Possessed by the evil child the harlot died in pain Feed the corpse to the hounds of hell deliver me her soul Bursting from the tomb of life the banshees born in flame Rise my son you live through me you are born to ride again Hail and thunder raging from the skies Satan's child blood lust in his eyes