It's like you Here I am It's been since 1988 We are alive for a moment Konzatsu shiteru mainichi Are mo ari de kore mo ari Ageku no hate ni nandemo ari? There's no option? Kuusouteki na IMITE-SHON Itsudatte It's on my way Kagirinaku hateshinai Shimai ni ochi ni ochitekunosa Where are you going? Always had some trouble with pressure and connection Senryakuteki kourayku wa? I guess nobody knows Souyatte kyou datte You can't fool me It's like you Here I am It's been since 1988 We got everything to take off now You're thinking the same way We fight for a moment Kankakuteki ni mainichi Are ga kou de dakara kou Sonna rikutsu ya riron dake jya There's no way out Toppatsuteki na IMITE-SHON ga Itsudatte It's on my way Kagirinaku hateshinai Shimai ni ochi ni ochiteitte You can't go back It's like you Here I am It's been since 1988 We got everything to take off now It's like you Here I am It's been since 1988 I've been taking this way all the time Taking this way again and again We got everything to take off now You're thinking the same way