I'm having interracial relations with this motherfuckin' white You play me like I'm pussy, take your motherfuckin' life Am I a shooter, keep a Ruger, bitch you motherfuckin' right I keep a ruler like a tutor, I don't motherfuckin' fight Cuz threw me a sack, now I'm posted with the dope for niggas I be outchea trappin', niggas rappin', think I know some magic Make you disappear, then I brought a bird out my hat Bird chill with all that swervin', got some birds up in the back Pray to God, they try to jack, I'm ready to watch a nigga die Walk you down, take off this mask, and look you dead in your eye Niggas know I keep that fire, that fire keep a nigga safe I'm so in love with homicide, that iron will eat a nigga's face I'll eat a nigga's plate, this shit for real Even when a nigga full I'm still lurking for a meal You niggas asking for a deal, I'm spitting what I live A nigga's spinal cord hurtin' 'cause I been jiggin' off them pills, damn Need to take a breather, best believe I'm squeezing if I peep 'em To the neck up with my people, people say I'm evil When I see 'em it's gon' be Katrina, better call FEMA Getting big head like Gina, Glock-34 in the beamer Cleaner than a whistle, you and your niggas softer than tissue It's over, watch when I get you, slide and clockin' my victim Loaded, cockin' my pistol, ain't no cop in my mirror So I poke around the corner, hop out, and drop me a nigga Hot then I got the pistol, I tote the chopper in the winter It's a draco in my hoodie, by now you should get the picture If you fight then get your ass beat, you still my nigga But if you scared of them hands and get to runnin', I ain't with ya, ayy One phone call, my shooters shooting for sure I ain't fucking with your kind, your shooters shooting for hoes Bitch it's Overkill Peezy, Peezy keep that infrared I give him one shot to the head, he dead before he hit the floor Yeah here go two more Only my shotter niggas gon' feel me Damn, you only can ride with me if you with it If I ain't on the block then I'll probably be with some bitches And one of 'em got a nigga and Peezy waitin' for business Bitch it's Peezy