Listen all the king´s been replaced abandoned is the throne he left in a haste days of darkness have come to our land fate of men is in warriors hands one - one word poisoning the air we breath one - one word shakes the earth beneath our feet hear me now a word from the wise the strongest of men now have doubt in their eyes listen all to the bleak wind howl through empty halls you can hear it growl one - one word poisoning the air we breath one - one word shakes the ground beneath our feet it goes... straight through the heart an arrow of steel our world falls apart we´re lost for all eternity straight through the heart in blood we must kneel one must depart another build a dynasty listen here you can trust no one they´ll stab you in the back then they´ll turn and run in the night you search for a light just a flickering flame in the darkest of nights one - one word.... Save us - lead us from confusion save us - give us absolution save us - save us from ourselves and the darkness in our hearts and guide us on our way back into the light