Unsought, a slumber for weary eyes Bring forth all reflections, shrouding the aimless Here I am, forgetting to breath Once more caught in this reverie Where I simply ceased to be Forgetting to breath Embracing the cold,smiles lost in life's rapturous fold Surrender at the waking hour Hearts breaking with the dawn Defeat, nostalgia beckoning To fall just for the stars Here I am, forgetting to breath Once more caught in this reverie Where I simply ceased to be Forgetting to breath A mesmerizing spectacle The sun and I, are we no the same at all? The burning wheel, the archetype Of constant rise Of constant fall Unsought, a slumber for weary eyes Bring forth all reflection, shrouding the aimless mind Here I am, forgetting to breath Once more caught in this reverie Where I simply ceased to be Forgetting to breath