As effortless as all you know As inactive as a charm This vessel's lowly stowaway is armed Let the credits rave and let the critics roll As the groom runs down the aisle In a hail of bullets I just throw a towel And write the bride out A second life, a second hand A view of space With an elephant obstructing it I'm splashing grays where once was glowing white I hit the pavement in the sunlight And I would beg the kids to just come outside and play But I'd take the ball away What is a sorry state when you can't believe your eyes You'll gladly take as second prize Oh, and there are prophecies you'll only prophesize Over niceties and gin And now you're asking, I don't know where to begin Oh, and all the critics rave as the credits roll They kept us wet behind the ears So we'll be speaking in hushed tones for 50 years Take this heart And wear it on the outside Oh, and as the rain comes down like a tickertape parade The tears slow and dissipate Oh, and as the blood and sweat you've invested evaporates You'll have tried, but you won't make it pay Sign this and file it under dumbstruck envy That'll strike you down Sightless, the comfort in the danger Enticing, I join the queue Mindlessly, I made her in my likeness Scattered and absolute Silent and transparent The one who holds the candle to the glow of you