Upon the rivers of the day It blows a cool breeze in the air Of thoughts and shimmering hours of May And all its feelings I dared to walk down by the lane Calm and fearless in the rain I felt that you were by my side Calm and tender You are the reason for this May Has washed the purple clouds away You are the reason for this May Has washed the purple clouds away You are the reason for this May Is warm and fills me with its rays Listen, all the time we witness miracles, All the time! We thought that anyone that has a life Bear the cross of the passion and of the time Oh, the way I was blind! The time I stumbled over your blue eyes I felt like falling into a pool of joy And a sort of miracle happened The ancient fortress vanished at your smile You are the reason for this May Has blown all darkness far away You are the reason for this May Is warm and fills me with its rays