I watch you walk right out my door Watch you walk right down my street I looked and I saw and I thought of Every man that you meet You always take me on a ride But you never leave the driver's seat And now you drive the point on home Just walking on down my street Every day and every way Every day I'm tryin to say I'm cryin' in the beer of a drunk man I'm cryin' in the beer of a drunk man There's nothing like giving up a laugh At someone else's expense Especially when you play the fool And you get the laugh back in the end Now I'm all alone and on the way Right down to the corner dive To slap me down eight more rounds For the cup I'm crying into Every day and every way Every day I'm tryin to say I'm cryin' into the beer of a drunk man I'm cryin' into the beer of a drunk man Like a man who keeps sobbing in his beer That's a man who knows the score That's a man who just dropped his last dime Right down to the barroom floor Well here's some more advice you can take Right back to your mommy's place The next time you see a drunk man Try cryin' right in his face Every day and every way Every day I'm tryin to say I'm cryin' into the beer of a drunk man I'm cryin' into the beer of a drunk man