Have you ever had a broken heart, felt so much pain Lived in so much dark thought you'd never see the light again Have you ever yearned from deep within when you see others laughin That just for one second, you could b them I lived life hiding behind the curtain Never known for certain when I'd be free I lived life as my shadow hopin that the pain would go But all the time I was hidin from me If you know what I mean If you too are searchin 2 b happy All you gotta do is dig a little deeper within you Have you ever fallen out of love Your feelings just disappeared But it's yourself you're thinkin of And so still you kept them near Have you ever been untrue Even though you knew right from wrong But the coward in you just kept them hanging on I ain't charmin 2 b no angel I really never meant 2 it just weren't meant 2 b I knew he thought I was the one The least that I could of done was made him hear it from me If you ever been through broken heart then really you need 2 remember how it felt b4 Ur untrue And think a little deeper bout what you do