Ex-fake, ex-rake Ex-charmer of the snake Ex-libertine, ex-on-the-make Ex-erotomane Ex-player, ex-pimpernel Ex-gay, ex-ne'er-do-well Ex-feeler-up and rubber down Ex-erotomane Ex-coprophile, ex-scopophile Ex-Blue Rider, ex-sarcophagus defiler Ex-sympathetic, nippoholic hentai maniac Ex-erotomane Ex-excessive masturbator, ex-dog Diogenes Shrew-tamer, extoller of the high priapic vices Ex-gokkun princess white pearl necklace sperm bukakke jeweller Ex-erotomane Ex-retailer of tales, ex tittle-tattle vendor Of dubious encounters and curious sexual failure Ex-stallion, ex-tooler, Excalibur, ex-ruler Ex-erotomane Ecstatic, whose license has expired Ex-romantic, extinguisher of fires Ex-tantric, ex-frantic, ex-fanatic ex-eccentric Ex-erotomane Ex-inventor, ex-liar, ex-Johnny pants-on-fire Extoller of the vices, controller of the prices Ex-wanker, ex-drinker, ex-penetrating thinker Ex-erotomane Ex-f**ker, ex-baller, ex-obscene phone-caller Now cleaned up, teetotaler, a total tea drinker Ex-funky ex-junkie, reborn Ex-erotomane Forward thinker, ethicist, living proof that God exists Ex-unicorn ex-horn, ex-stallion, ex-porn Ex-fisher king of pretty teens exhausted Saint Augustine Ex-erotomane