God is light Light is good God is good
There's a bag lady siften through trash in my neighborhood Asked for a light, ya know I understood
God is light Light is good God is good
Where you gonna run when they come for you?
Have you heard about the infant born with a handgun Shot his twin brother coming out now he's an only son He's a good boy, wait and see We'll rehabilitate him one-two-three
God is light Light is good God is good
Where you gonna run when they come for you? They'll hear you playing your guitar
Hey Saint Augustine There's a flaw you see You've reasoned quite Illogically
God is light Light is good God is good
Where you gonna run when they come for you? They'll hear you playing your guitar
God is light Light is good God is good
Where you gonna run when they come for you? Where you gonna run when they come for you? Where you gonna run when they come for you?