Standing by the wall in Peking Square ... God knows I'm here Saw a ... and a Chinese guy The poster goes up, expose a lie I don't know what I can do I don't know what you expect All I know is I better act now Carpe diem, seize the day Before the day is... through My mother and my father, they worry about me ... at the university The Russians ... North , they conquer the South Science can wait, democracy now All my gods right on the wall Pictures of Marx and Chairman Mao But their words leave me hungry And they leave me no choice Imperial West, 'tis of thee I sing Peking Spring Peking Spring Peking Spring This is a ... The party wants to rest my destiny Who knows what's next, a call to arms Remind All my gods right on the wall Pictures of Marx and Chairman Mao But their words leave me hungry And they leave me no choice Imperial West, 'tis of thee I sing Peking Spring Peking Spring Peking Spring Wo-oh-oh, wo-oh Wo-oh-oh, wo-oh Wo-oh-oh, wo-oh Wo-oh-oh, wo-oh Wo-oh-oh, wo-oh