Cross the breezes done in ink Down across the risk of thinking, ah It's precisely those who can Who should be doing something else Little herd, nothing to d... Tell me which side's which again ... Come in colors we refuse to see Dirty world Look away Turn the page Let's hang up On what we're not They're not us It can't hurt like it would to us Is this where I'm supposed to cry Is this where I'm supposed to cry Cherries, almonds, dates and apricots Mesmerized, call these dream geometries Honey falls, ghastly slaughter fields Roll the window up The ... has come to take their breath away Breath away Dirty world Look away Turn the page Let's hang up On what we're not and what we'll never be It can't hurt like it would us Is this where I'm supposed to cry Is this where I'm supposed to cry Is this where I'm supposed to cry Is this where I'm supposed to cry