When I think back now that so much time has passed, I must have known that it just would never last. When I look back now that I have seen so much more, all that was hidden seems to come to the fore. I feel like it all comes back to me, and I see that I had always known (always known). I'm afraid that what I had failed to see, means all there ever was is now gone (is now gone). When I think back now how confused I was, blind to the fairest seed whence it all arose. When I reflect on myself now all alone, I know that all I should have done is hold on. When I look at myself hiding in the dark, I feel deep inside I still yearn for that spark. When I close my eyes I can still see the light, but back then I was so afraid of its might. I feel like it all comes back to me, and I see that I had always known (always known). I'm afraid that what I had failed to see, means all there ever was is now gone (is now gone). I feel like it all comes back to me, and I see that I had always known (always known). I'm afraid that what I had failed to see, means all there ever was is now gone (is now gone).