It had bubbles goin' round and a big bass sound You could feel right through your feet Like a beacon in the night with the green and orange light Just a slot machine poundin' out the beat Played Silver Threads And Golden Needles Monkees Turtles Byrds and Beatles Really took a lot of hard knocks And I met my lovin' honey and spent all my money Feedin' that old jukebox It's been sittin' in the corner there a hundred years or more Just a watchin' as come and go Just how many million times it took my nickels and my dimes I guess I'll never know Played Betty Lou Peggy Sue Nadine Maybelline I watched the girl who flirted like a fox And I never will forget her cause the first time I met her She was dancin' to the old jukebox Jukebox you're the living end Jukebox you're my neon friend Ooh-wee baby don'y mean maybe crank me out another tune You may be only a machine but sweet little sixteen Loves to dance to you night and noon Play some Itsy-bitsy-teenie-weenie-yellow-polka-dot- bikini Cheatin' Heart and Rock Around The Clock Cause my baby and me got a thousand memories Deep down in that old jukebox Jukebox you're the living end... [ piano ] So play some Hank and Jerry Lee and Merle They're rockin' all around the world To George Jones and Rolling Stones Waylon and Willie and Rockabilly Ringo George John and Paul Stevie Wonder does it all Lionel Jenny and Swingin' Benny Sinatra and Bing Ella and the King Aretha Dolly and Buddy Holly and everything that reels and rocks Cause you'll always be around just layin' down the sounds We love you old jukebox Jukebox you're the living end... Jukebox you're the living end... Jukebox you're the living end...