Fire for the Vatican. Look at that! Blood for the poor man. Who say? Revelation say. Who say? So the prophets say. And what they saying now? Fire for the Vatican. Look at that! Blood for the poor man. Who say? Revelation say. Who say? So the prophets say. Oh yeah! Children don't fit in society. A serious thing. Fighting against humanity, yeah. No jestering. Puss and dog, in society. A serious thing. Fighting against reality, yeah. Oh yeah! Fire for the Vatican. Now look at that! Blood for the poor man. Who say? Revelation say. Who say? So the prophets say. And what they saying now? Fire for the Vatican. But look at that! Blood for the poor man. Who say? Revelation say. Who say? So the prophets say. Oh yeah! Meekly work and murmur not. A serious thing. Butter for fish, and fish for ???..., yeah. Oh yeah! No jestering. Humbly scars will suffer most men, yeah. A serious thing. Righteous virgins dressed in silk, yeah. Oh yeah! Fire for the Vatican. Now look at that! Blood for the poor man. Who say? Revelation say. Who say? So the prophets say. Look at that! Fire for the Vatican. Blood for the poor man. Who say? Revelation say. Who say? So the prophets say. O, o-eh-ah-ah-o-eh! Oh yeah, la la, oh yeah! A serious thing. No jestering. O-eh-bah-bah-o-eh! Oh yeah, Mama, oh yeah! A serious thing. No jestering. Oh yeah! Trouble lie down cool up rush A serious thing. And announce it, bring it to my yard, yeah. Oh yeah! No jestering. And when trouble start to ... you A serious thing. Den yeah. Oh yeah! Fire for the Vatican. Now look at that! Blood for the poor man. Who say? Revelation say. Who say? So the prophets say. And what they saying now? Fire for the Vatican. Look at that!...