Can you see the dark sky?
Congratulation to your success
you´ve made it soon
and you don´t know what to do with it.

You have the bare feet
burned up by the fire
the burning hope
which you´re slowly loosing.

Only you can help yourself
no one else understands
no one seems to care
no one sees or hears.

You are throwing away everything
what reminds the people
you pull the humans heads
like children pull their toys.

Finaly you´ve find it
the romantic place to die
you dig the deep holes
which from you can never reach the edge.

You´ve got what you deserve
your luxury private lives
your cosy durned up holes
in which you now settled down.

Knock on your foreheads
till you still have some sense
you haven´t thought this out well
there is no one to cover your grave with earth.