October 31st - All Hallows Eve The ever twilight - into the darker half Samhain - Harvest of the dead The time has come once more Syncretized Halloween Bonfires burning - Guising Galoshans Adorned in false-face - time for Trick or Treating - Again! Trick or Treat - Halloween Trick or Treating! Halloween - Trick or Treat - Halloween! Jack O Lanterns glowing - illuminating the night Phantasmal warnings - Skeletal dead haunting fright! Festival of the Hungry Ghost Carnival on the Banks of the Foyle Hop Tu Naa on the Isle of Man Even Dia de Los Muertos Tutti Santi - Tutti Morti Mischief night across the land All Hallows Tide! Halloween Again! Halloween - Halloween - Halloween - Again! Halloween - Halloween - Halloween - Again!