You might have seen one out in Minnesota Or maybe down by the sea in Sarasota. They were made back in Worcester, Mass. Of aluminum, bakelite and glass Like a locomotive, they were streamlined And the blueprints were drawn up from a dream of mine Slap 'em up, put 'em on the train Out to Michigan, up to Maine You may find a diner down in Georgia or Carolina, Off the twenty by the Piggly Wiggly In the country out of Waynesboro When it's getting late and rainy out in New York State You hang a louie off the throughway And you go and grab yourself a cheeseburger At a Little Gem Diner, off six-niner Diner my shiny, shiny love In the night you're all I'm thinking of Diner my shiny, shiny love The cruiser pulls in where the troopers always stop As we dine over the chrome and formica table top The cashier she always squints By the gum and the bowl of mints She's tapping her toe To the Dean Martin on the consolette Booth service and a cigarette We're loving it so Side of fries a dollar Or the haddock plate two ninety-five A rootbeer float, a Pepsi And be sure to save some room for some apple pie Better make it a-la-mode Diner my shiny, shiny love In the night you're all I'm thinking of Diner my shiny, shiny love Dean Martin, God rest his soul Talkin' to me from the cereal bowl There's a couple from the Show-Me State Knockin' back a little meatloaf plate Diner my shiny, shiny love Diner my shiny, shiny love Diner my shiny, shiny, shiny love Chicken and biscuits With a side of gravy