Some other day
しなやかに fade out
相容れない 風の road game
I'll drive my way 今 I miss you
Slide and let it over
上空は向こうまで indigo-blue
愛と愛が触れる時の rhythm
There's something we can do,
something bright
Smile and let it over
So,let's ride on time
終わり無き明日の stage へ
Let's ride on time
行こう そこにただあるは
自由の身のfleeing star
Good day,follow your answer
I'm ready, oh yeah
Let us get along with your
You already..,oh yeah, oh yeah
そう君が乗る時空の big train
You find your way,
you go,you're going
愛のある方へ your body and mind
Slide and let it over
Smile and let it over
So,let's ride on time
限り無き君の image へ
Come on,ride on time
行こう そこで見る君は
fleeing star
Good day,fine love,your answer
I like it,oh yeah
Let us show now your answer

We already・・, oh yeah, oh yeah
Good day,fine love,your answer
I like it,oh yeah
Let us show now your answer
We already・・, oh yeah, oh yeah

You hear me when I am..
Do you see me when I are‥?
I like you when you are‥
君ははら夢に舞うfleeing star
Goodday,follow your answer
I'm ready,oh yeah
Let us get along with your
You already‥,oh yeah,oh yeah
Good day,fine love,your answer
I like it,oh yeah
Let us show now your answer
We already‥,oh yeah
君のfleeing star
君のfleeing star
君のfleeing star