Dance 胸でゆらり揺れて 1 2 3 Morning breeze, coffee cup, 淡いdrape, 君と薄紅の paper moon I'm dreaming 風は窓辺の swinging jazz Radio, hour glass, candle light 夢と移ろいの favorite time 1 2 3.. 何も言わないで let us be Swinging in the morning light 雨に降られても let it be 1 2 3.. I won't say no more Leaving 時をふらり連れて lazy drive Morning glow, flying crow, marine terrace 君と亜麻色の misty sky I'm feeling 空は移り気な daybreak blues Back road, open cafe, stray cat 全て染まりゆく moonset time 1 2 3.. 何も言わないで let us be Dancing in the morning light 風に吹かれても let it be 1 2 3.. I won't say no more 1 2 3.. 1 2 3.. 何も聞かないで let me be Swaying in the morning light Don't say no more Once 君の香り揺れて hold me now Morning breeze, coffee cup, 淡い drape, 君と薄紅の paper moon 1 2 3.. 何も言わないで let us be Swinging in the morning light 雨に降られても let it be Dancing in the morning light 何も聞かないで let me be 1 2 3.. I won't say no more no more