未知なる遥か彼方へ 時を超え旅立つから わずらわしいしがらみなど くずかごへ捨ててしまおう *As the angels they fly in your soul and my soul...... As the angels they sing in your soul and my soul...... はるか高い展望台から見ると まるでちっぽけな世界の中で人が あきれるほど価値のない争いと 子供じみた虚栄心が人を狂わす *repeat *repeat Hear the cries of pain Hear the sounds of pain Hear the screams of pain Hear the winds of victory **Hear the cries of pain (.........) Hear the sounds of pain (Hear the sounds of pain) Hear the screams of pain Hear the winds of victory (Hear the winds of victory)