Softly softly comes the train into the station.
She has often waited and wondered if he'll come.
Why was he kept away then, held from coming home now?
Was it troubled loyalty or a brand new family?

Will he step down onto the platform?
Will he stay now or fall again?

Softly softly comes the feeling that she loves him
Remembering his birthday and sentimental times.
Was she really that bad to force him to silence?
Were her tears forgotten or was it just that letter of 

Daddy will you stay this time?
Daddy will you walk away?

Shower her with your old tears
Give to her your lovely lost look.
Open now those cold blue eyes.
Promise her there'll be no more goodbyes
No more surprises.

Softly softly feeling as if she is just dreaming.
Daddy she has been good you must be here to stay.
Slowly the steam is rising, she's shouting as she sees 
She's running up to hold you, will your arms be there?

Daddy will you stay this time?
Daddy will you fall again?