23 degrees off kilter Spinning with my cup of tea Grey skies, sleepy eyes as usual Morning paper says I?m free Late again no time to witness Spring flowers dance on this cold wind Peeling poster sex reminds me Why pierced tongue ticket man, just grinned This is killing me I feel so alone in this crowd Is this really me And will this be my child Cold cash comfort from my pocket Lights Eastern European eyes See little grace in god?s behaviour But for the grace of me go I Clocking in while Mr new tie Tells me things about his wife Morning coffee three new e-mails Still waiting for the fax, of life This is killing me I feel so alone in this crowd Is this really me And will this be my child I want to see you I want to feel you Not the image of you that this journey?s projecting I want to see you I want to feel you Not the Image of you that this journey?s projecting Not the shadow of you solitude is protecting This is killing me I feel so alone in this crowd Is this really me And will this be my child