Around the strangers moved, the shouts I felt within 
New panoramas seen (I loved it as it was). 
Forests of pylons built, the scaffolding is raised 
And how the men pursue their worrk 
They act convinced of freedom. 
Crossed over by the bridge 
The brook was running ill. 
We recognised the place - places we knew as children 
We wept upon the sight, and progress tore our hearts 
Fences divide the land, homes boxed like rabbit hutches. 
Goodbye to the village 
Goodbye to the village 
Where soil will not provide, no king and land are one 
Monopolise the holy ground, all that we hold as sacred 
No harvest moon shall rise, no valley homestead seen 
And now the cities never end, and how the cities stretch forever 
And in the morning promise me great times will come again 
And the homelands in our hearts will never fade away 
Let the legends promise me the earth shall rise again 
And homelands in the hearts of men shall never fade away. 
Goodbye to the village 
Goodbye to the village 
Goodbye to the village 
Goodbye to the village 
I'll never never see my home 
I'll never never see my home 
You'll never never see your home 
You'll never never see your home