He gave us plenty, plenty to share, and the good sense to know what’s fair. He gave us power, the knowledge of right. He gave us strength to brave a fight. So we have no excuse and no defense. There is not one that can plead innocent. We have a shameful state of tolerance. So you pray to God asking Him to intervene, To set it right, to stand up for the weak and the unseen. And still you pray to God ask Him what He’s gonna do? But He might ask the same of you. He gave us riches, more than enough to fill both hearts and hunger up. He gave us Jesus who died to proclaim, “As you have seen in me do the same”. We are all connected, We are all affected, When one loves their brothers, There’s no “us” and “others”. So we pray to God with our days from dust to dust. Is there a better world to have? It seems there must be. And still we pray to God, when will He make it just? But He might ask the same of us. Yes, He might ask the same of us.