anger, violence and death 
work, exhaustion and death 
anguish, suicide and death 
evil, murder and death 
our minds turn straight to division 
as logic fades itself toward oblivion 
pain sent to elevate bitterness 
do we love it more than a blunt statement? 
dream, desire and life 
faith, endurance and life 
hope, ambition and life 
love, devotion and life 
kill the thoughts you are trying to shift 
outside perimeter of synthetic conscience 
grasp a very motion from devoid intellect 
drift and fluctuate as truth was never explored 
tragedy brings apathy to ignorance 
like street lights beaming on empty avenues 
cognizance withstands the swarm of suffering 
as it never forgives, and it never forgets 
a mouthful of godforsaken emptiness 
formed featureless shapes among dead clouds 
i was amazed at the staircase leading nowhere 
but it drives dividend on a poor soul of mine 

[september 2012 - february 2013]