Give my children wings, but not the ghosts of wings 
I have found in the words of the dreamers 
Let them fly away to a world so far away 
From the fools and the cruel and the schemers 
Give them stars to juggle and comets for their toys 
A new life to build from their sorrows and joys 
Give my children wings, but not the ghosts of wings 
I have found in the words of the dreamers 

Give my children suns, but not the songs of suns 
That have nourished me all through my growing 
Songs can give them hope, but they need more than hope 
All their dreams are but seeds meant for sowing 
Give them the planets, a universe to share 
With all who are waiting to meet them out there 
Give my children suns, but not the songs of suns 
That have nourished me all through my growing 

Give my children life, a vast eternal life 
And a universe teeming with wonder 
Continents and skies, a million different skies 
Full of rainbows and snowflakes and thunders 
Give them bright tomorrows and not our dark todays 
Realms of love and beauty to cherish all their days 
Give my children life, a vast eternal life 
And a universe teeming with wonder