I wonder what's keeping my true love tonight I wonder what's keeping you out of my sight It is little you know of the pain I endure Or you would not stay from me this night, I am sure Oh love, are you coming your cause to advance? or yet are you waiting for a far better chance? Are you coming to tell me you've a new love in store? Are you coming to tell me you love me no more? Oh no, I'm not coming my own cause to advance And yet I'm not waiting for a far better chance I'm coming to tell you I've a new love in store I'm coming to tell you I love you no more For I can love lightly and I can love strong And I can love the old love 'til a new love comes along I only said I loved you for to give your heart ease But when I'm not with you, I'll love whom I please I've gold in my pocket and pain in my heart For I can't love a love with one too many sweethearts You're my first and only false love and it's lately I knew The longer I loved you, the falser you grew Spring grass it grows sweetest, spring water runs clear I'm sorry and tormented for the love of my dear Your love it lies as lightly as the dew on the thorn Descends in the evening, goes away with the morn I wonder what's keeping my true love tonight I wonder what is keeping you out of my sight I wonder if you know of the pain I endure Or would you stay from me this night, I'm not sure